
Keynote Speakers Details


Prof. Shou Feng /Associate Professor

Harbin Engineering University, China

  • Remote Sensing
  • Hyperspectral Image Processing

Feng Shou, Associate Professor, Master Supervisor of Harbin Engineering University, Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Advanced Ship Communication and Information Technology of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, IEEE member, Senior member of the Chinese Society of Communications, Member of the Imaging Detection and Perception Committee of the Chinese Society of Image and Graphics, peer review expert of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, academic dissertation review expert of the Ministry of Education, Visiting Scholar of Indiana University Bloomington, Guest Editor of Remote Sensing, an international authoritative journal in the field of remote sensing. Member of the editorial board of international Journal Frontiers in Imaging, American Journal of Remote Sensing, He also serves as a reviewer for many authoritative academic journals such as IEEE TIP, IEEE TGRS, IEEE GRSL, and Remote Sensing. In the past three years, he has published 20 academic papers as the first/corresponding author in top journals in the field of Remote Sensing such as IEEE TIP, IEEE TGRS, and Remote Sensing, and 2 papers have been selected as ESI highly cited papers. Published 6 conference papers in IGARSS and other international conferences, applied for 8 national invention patents as the first inventor, and has authorized 4. The 14th Five-Year Plan monograph of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology "Intelligent Classification and detection of hyperspectral images" 1. Served as the Branch Chair of IGARSS2020 and IGARSS2021, as a member of the Organizing Committee of IGARSS2023, organized the Community-Contributed Session "CCS.9: Recent Advances in Hyperspectral Image Processing: Methodology and Application ". As a guest editor, I organized 2 special issues in Remote Sensing, TOP journal of Chinese Academy of Sciences.